
We offer a wide range of accountancy services in Anchorage, Alaska

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For tax preparation services in Anchorage and Wasilla, Alaska, Jack Bohnert EA offers personal attention and transparency.

Generally it will take no longer than 7 to 10 days to complete your tax return in February and March.

Jack Bohnert EA can help you with a range of accounting services.

Tax preparation

Jack Bohnert EA provides tax and other accounting advice so that your small business can reach its goals. He has the accounting and auditing skills and experience necessary to help you streamline your business.

Speak with him about accountancy services in Anchorage, AK today.

Financial assistance

The hassle of financial and administrative work can add unnecessary stress.

For tax services in Anchorage and the Mat Su let Jack Bohnert EA deal with the paperwork and you can enjoy the peace of mind that comes with knowing everything's been taken care of.

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Payroll solutions

Whatever the size and needs of your staff, Jack Bohnert EA can provide comprehensive payroll services tailored to your needs.

His rate of $10 per paycheck has not changed for the past 10 years. 

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Take advantage of Jack's personalized service! He is ready to help you!

(907) 561-8987

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